Test SOSIE2 available for 2025!

What is the SOSIE Personality Assessment?

Two people with the same personality traits may act differently according to their value systems. And a clash between personal and job or organisational values often lead to disillusionment in the role or with the organisation, decrease in job satisfaction, disengagement and turn-over. On the contrary, alignment between the person and the organisational values is a boost in terms of job performance, learning and development, job satisfaction and loyalty.

SOSIE is the only reliable assessment to identify a person’s personality AND values system to reliably predict motivations, behaviour and adaptation to a role, team and organisational culture.

Eight personality traits to look at the characteristics that influence someone’s behaviour:

  • Dominance
  • Responsibility
  • Stress Resistance
  • Sociability
  • Cautiousness
  • Original Thinking
  • Personal Relations
  • Vigour

Six interpersonal values to identify what drives someone in terms of interactions with others:

  • Support
  • Conformity
  • Recognition
  • Independence
  • Benevolence
  • Power

Six personal values to explore someone’s drivers in terms of ways of working and professional activities:

  • Materialism
  • Achievement
  • Variety
  • Conviction
  • Orderliness
  • Goal orientation

Valid and reliable, the SOSIE enables you to get results quickly, and the quasi-ipsative question format makes it difficult for candidates to fake responses. Multiple reports are available, such as a basic profile report, sales report, manager report, customer service report and a candidate feedback report.

Launch price is EUR 250 ex. VAT for 1Q & 2Q 2025.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a fair proposal.

Pilot Pair support program 2024
We provide pilot pair support program in accordance with CAT.GEN.MPA.175. Do not hesitate to contact us for a fair proposal.
TD-12 News 2023!
As a reminder, our research and development team announced last June the launch of new samples for TD-12 psychological assessment tests:
A calibration in a situation of selection, recruitment, mixed internal promotion (5554 people).
Three calibrations in situation of assessment, personal development: mixed, male and female (2156 people).
These new calibrations have been available since June on our platform td12.aeromissions.com So that you can complete your recruitment campaigns without disruption, you will be able to continue using the old calibrations until October 31, 2022. Please note that from this date the old calibrations will no longer be available.
QUALIOPI Certification:

AEROMISSIONS is pleased and proud to announce that it has obtained the QUALIOPI certification from Bureau Veritas.

 Quality certification was issued under the categories of training actions within the aerospace industry.

 Obtaining this certification is further proof of the investment of our teams for the satisfaction of our customers and the quality of our training services, which meet the requirements of the National Quality Standard published by the France requirements.

 The QUALIOPI certification allows us to:

  • To attest to the quality of the process implemented by the training organizations contributing to the development of skills.
  • Better accessibility of the training offer to client companies and learners.

 This certification is therefore important, even essential, for any training organization in order to guarantee the quality of its training services and services as part of the process of customer satisfaction.

It requires regular surveillance audits (14 to 22 months) after obtaining QUALIOPI certification.

 QUALIOPI certification: what are the advantages?

 For a candidate for training, the QUALIOPI certification allows:

  • To be reassured about the professionalism of the chosen training organization
  • To be able to claim financial support
  • Simpler management of your professional career, especially in the context of the CPF

For an employer, the QUALIOPI certification allows:

  •  To be reassured about the professionalism of the training provider chosen for its employees
  •  To be able to claim financial support
  •  To simplify and guide the training procedures for its employees

 AEROMISSIONS undertakes to:

  •  Offer its learners an environment entirely dedicated to training
  •  Supporting people with disabilities in their training and/or orientation journey
  •  Select trainers for their business expertise, their added value in training and their knowledge of companies
  •  Set up all the pedagogical, technical and supervisory means with all its teams

 AEROMISSIONS is committed to this QUALIOPI certification process, which testifies to our strong desire to constantly improve the efficiency of our organization, the quality of our training and services.


EASA psychological assessment for crews

The EASA regulatory change announced in July 2018 and due to be implemented in early 2021, EASA.CAT.GEN.MPA.175, arose from some of the recommendations made in the BEA report following Germanwings 9525. 

The regulation includes a requirement for all pilots to have completed a psychological profile within 24 months prior to commencing line flying.

Our dedicated brochure aims to lay out how AEROMISSIONS can apply experience and expertise in the assessment of pilots, to assist their clients with meeting the regulation by investigating the specific TD-12 assessment to assist an airline in meeting the new EASA regulation CAT.GEN.MPA.175. 

All implementation process is beared throughout our dedicated platform at  http://td12.aeromissions.com

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